This cooler weather got me in the mood for soups. Several weeks back at the office Pastor Travis was talking about his white chili recipe that is the best. Ever since he's talked about that I've been thinking that I'm going to try making White Chili. I looked up some recipes online but didn't really like those so I took some of the ingredients off the recipes and then added my own too. It turned out really good and Brad even told me that I could make it anytime. Package of Boneless Chicken Breast (4)
2 Cans Chicken Broth
1 Can White Northern Beans (drained)
1 8 oz. Package Cream Cheese
1 large can Chopped Green Chilies
2 Cups Velvetta Cubbed (melts easier)
Garlic Salt to Taste
Boil the chicken breast in water for about 30 minutes or until very tender. I chopped the chicken fine after it was cooked so it would be easier for Hunter to eat. Put the chopped chicken along with all the other ingredients in a crockpot. Cook on high until all the cheese is melted. You can serve with mozzarella cheese and chopped green onions on top.